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CC 2 | Meeting the Needs of the Nation for Radiation Protection | ![]() WAYNE D. NEWHAUSER![]() is the Director of the Medical and Health Physics Program at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, holder of the Dr. Charles M. Smith Chair in Medical Physics, and Chief of Physics at the Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center. He is a board certified and licensed medical physicist with specialization in advanced-technology radiotherapies. Dr. Newhauser is an expert in proton radiation therapy, dose reconstructions, and risk estimation and reduction. His current research projects seek to improve long-term outcomes of survivors of childhood and adult cancers. He and his multidisciplinary team of collaborators are known for their early use of Monte-Carlo methods and high-performance computing in proton therapy, including neutron shielding, treatment planning, and estimation of stray radiation exposures. He received the Innovation Excellence Award in 2012 in recognition of his laboratory's research involving in-silico clinical trials to compare advanced-technology radiotherapies. Dr. Newhauser has published more than 85 peer-reviewed journal articles, leads federal research grants, and mentors graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. He has served in leadership roles in the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, the American Nuclear Society, and the Health Physics Society. He serves on the International Advisory Board of the journal Physics In Medicine and Biology and is a corresponding member of EURODOS. After receiving a BS in nuclear engineering and MS and PhD degrees medical physics from the University of Wisconsin, he worked at the German National Standards Laboratory, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. ![]() JACQUELINE P. WILLIAMS![]() completed her undergraduate degrees at the University of Nottingham, followed by her post-doctoral training in radiation biology at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, University of London, United Kingdom. Shortly after completing her studies, she joined the faculty at the University of Rochester, New York, in the department of Radiation Oncology and, later, in the department of Environmental Medicine. Over her career, Dr. Williams has served as the President of the Radiation Research Society, the Research Chair on the Board of the American Society for Radiation Oncology, and Council Member to the International Association for Radiation Research, as well as associate editor on several radiation-related journals, including the International Journal of Radiation Biology. Although now semi-retired, Dr. Williams has accrued nearly 40 y of experience in radiation biology and related fields and has been involved in a wide range of research areas, clinically-related oncologic studies and clinical trials, tumor blood flow studies, long-term carcinogenic studies, and pharmacological and toxicological projects. In particular, her research involved identifying mechanisms that underlie the initiation and progression of radiation-induced late normal tissue effects as a consequence of accidental exposures or the low doses associated with either space travel or mass terrorism events, with the goal of developing protection and/or mitigation strategies. |