1981 Symposium

Control of Exposure of the Public to Ionizing Radiation in the Event of Accident or Attack Symposium

April 27-29, 1981

Welcome and Introduction of Symposium
Chair, Hymer L. Friedell, Vice President, NCRP

Disaster and their Radiation Environment
Lewis V. Spencer

Assumptions About Individual and Social Effects of Peacetime and Wartime Nuclear Disasters
Gary A. Kreps, College of William and Mary

Radiobiological Basis for Establishing Criteria for the Population

Introductory Remarks
Victor P. Bond, Session Chair

The Effects of Dose, Dose Rate, and Depth Dose Upon Radiation Mortality
Eugene P. Cronkite, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Health Effects from Internally Deposited Radionuclides Released in Nuclear Disasters
Roger O. McClellan, Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute

Relevance of Long-Term Carcinogenic and Genetic Hazards to Emergency Control
R.J. Michael Fry, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Impact of Estimates of Human Radiation Tolerance upon Radiation Emergency Management
Clarence C. Lushbaugh, Oak Ridge Associated Universities

Victor P. Bond, Moderator

Radiation Exposure Control Procedures

Introductory Remarks
Jack C. Greene, Session Chair

Exposure Control Programs in Various Countries
Jacob Gut, Research Institute for Protective Construction, Zurich, Switzerland

Mitigation of Exposures Through Radiological Hazard Assessment
Peter O. Strom, Sandia National Laboratories

Measures for the Limitation of Radiation Exposure Following a Peacetime Nuclear Accident
George Cowper, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Countermeasures for the Limitation of Radiation Exposure Following Wartime Nuclear Weapon Attack
James D. Sartor, Woodward-Clyde Consultants

Jack C. Greene, Moderator

Dose and Dose Rate Measurement Requirements

Introductory Remarks
John A. Auxier, Session Chair

Planning on a Regional Basis for a Major Radiation Accident
W. Robert Casey, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Radiological Instrument Requirements for a National Emergency Such as Nuclear Attack
Carl R. Siebentritt, Jr., Federal Emergency Management Agency

Assessments of Radiological Instrument Requirements Based on Shelter Postures in a Nuclear War
Carsten M. Haaland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Citizen’s Instruments
Cresson H. Kearney, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Devices for the Measurement of Gamma Ray Exposure to the Population After a Nuclear Disaster
Arthur C. Lucas, Harshaw Chemical Company

Training the Public to Use Available Radiation Monitoring Instruments in the Event of a Radiation Emergency
Roger J. Cloutier, Oak Ridge Associated Universities

John Auxier, Moderator

Public Information and Training

Introductory Remarks
James Grundl, Session Chair

Current National Opinions in the U.S.
Jiri Nehnevajsa, University of Pittsburgh

Preparations for Radiation Emergencies in the U.K. and Europe
John K.S. Clayton, Home Office, United Kingdom

Federal Experience in Manpower and Training for Radiation Exposure Control
James M. Fox, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Minimum Requirements for Basic Information for Radiation Protection Authorities
Marshall Parrott, State Health Division of Oregon

An Index for Increasing Public Comprehension of Radiation Risks
Clayton S. French, Jr., University of Lowell

Media Needs and Responsibilities
Don Thomas, Defense Civil Protection Agency

James A. Grundl, Moderator

Roles and Responsibilities of the Federal Government in Nuclear Disasters
Federal Emergnecy Management Agency, John Dickey
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Brian K. Grimes
Department of Health and Human Services, Glyn G. Caldwell
Department of Agriculture, George B. Bickerton
Department of Energy, L. Joe Deal
Department of Commerce, Edwin B. Shykind
Department of Transportation, A. Wendell Carriker
Department of Defense, William R. Licht
Environmental Protection Agency, Joe E. Logsdon

General Discussion
John Dickey, Moderator

Possible Roles of Non-Government Organizations

Introductory Remarks
Lauriston S. Taylor, Session Chair

Standards for Radiation Exposure Management in Accident of Nuclear Attack
Lauriston S. Taylor

Opening Statement in Panel Discussion
Warren K. Sinclair, Panel Moderator

Health Physics Society, Claire Palmiter
American College of Radiology, Fred A. Mettler
Radiological Society of North America, William A. Weidner
American Nuclear Society, Octave J. Du Temple
American Medical Association, Asher J. Finkel
Society of Nuclear Medicine, Eugene L. Saenger

General Discussion
Warren K. Sinclair, Moderator

Closing Session
Lewis V. Spencer, Chairman

Appendix A. Characteristics of the Nuclear Radiation Environment Produced by Several Types of Disasters, Summary Volume
Philip J. Dolan, Center for Defense Analysis, SRI International

Appendix B. Civil Defense and Nuclear Energy
Alvin M. Weinberg, Oak Ridge Associated Universities

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Last modified: June 1, 2015