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Commentary No. 17 – Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis System Used in Security Surveillance (2003)
Product Details
Sort Title : Commentary No. 17
ISBN : ISBN 0-929600-79-7
Scientific Committee :
Executive Summary
Commentary No. 17 (2003) is a compilation of responses to three separate issues concerning the PFNA system. The first response was completed in September 2002, entitled Radiation Protection Advice for Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis System Used in Security Surveillance. It covers: (1) the appropriate dose limit for persons inadvertently irradiated by the PFNA system, (2) the proper methods to determine the dose received, and (3) an opinion on whether the use of the PFNA system could result in levels of activation products in pharmaceuticals and medical devices that might be of concern to public health. The second response was completed in February 2003, entitled Radiation Protection Advice for the Pulsed Fast Neutron System Used in Security Surveillance: Part II. The ALARA Principle and Related Issues. It covers: (1) a description of the relevant concepts of radiation protection that should be applied to the PFNA system; (2) a critique, in the form of advice on the necessary content of the draft System Safety Specifications and the draft Radiation Safety Plan for the PFNA system; and (3) the application of the ALARA principle to the PFNA system. The third response was completed in July 2003, entitled Radiation Protection Advice for the Pulsed Fast Neutron System Used in Security Surveillance: Part III. Methods for the Determination of Effective Dose to Inadvertently Exposed Individuals.
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