Warren K. Sinclair Keynote Addresses

WK Sinclair Keynote No. 14: Aren’t We Ready Yet? Closing the Planning, Response and Receovery Gaps for Radiological Terrorism, Jack Herrmann (2017)
Formats Available: electronic (downloadable PDF)
Price: Free / Direct Download
Category: WKS Keynote


WK Sinclair Keynote No. 13: WARP: Where Are the Radiation Professionals?, Richard E. Toohey (2016)
Formats Available: electronic (downloadable PDF)
Price: Free / Direct Download
Category: WKS Keynote


WK Sinclair Keynote No. 12: Influence of NCRP on Radiation Protection in the United States: Guidance and Regulation, Kenneth R. Kase (2015)
Formats Available: electronic (downloadable PDF)
Price: Free / Direct Download
Category: WKS Keynote


WK Sinclair Keynote No. 11: Science, Radiation Protection, and the NCRP: Building on the Past, Looking to the Future, Jerrold T. Bushberg (2014)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 108(2), 115–123.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote

Shunichi Yamashita

WK Sinclair Keynote No. 10: Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident and Comprehensive Health Risk Management, Shunichi Yamashita (2013)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 106(2), 166–180.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote


WK Sinclair Keynote No. 9: Effects of Childhood Radiation Exposure: An Issue From Computed Tomography Scans to Fukushima, Fred A. Mettler, Jr. (2012)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 105(5), 424–429.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote

Marco Durante

WK Sinclair Keynote No. 8: Heavy Ions in Therapy and Space: Benefits and Risks Marco Durante (2011)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 103(5), 532–539.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote


WK Sinclair Keynote No. 7: Risk Communication, Radiation, and Radiological Emergencies: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques, Vincent T. Covello (2010)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 101(5), 511–530.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote

Peter B. Lyons

WK Sinclair Keynote No. 6: The Role of a Strong Regulator in Safe and Secure Nuclear Energy, Peter B. Lyons (2009)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 100(1), 5–11.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote

Dudley T. Goodhead

WK Sinclair Keynote No. 5: Issues in Quantifying the Effects of Low-Level Radiation, Dudley T. Goodhead (2008)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 97(5), 394–406.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote


WK Sinclair Keynote No. 4: Use and Misuse of Radiation in Medicine, James A. Brink (2007)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 95(5), 495–501.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote

Mikhail Balonov

WK Sinclair Keynote No. 3: Retrospective Analysis of Impacts of the Chernobyl Accident, Mikhail Balonov (2006)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 93(5), 383–409.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote

B. John Garrick

WK Sinclair Keynote No. 2: Contemporary Issues in Risk-Informed Decision Making on Waste Disposition, B. John Garrick (2005)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 91(5), 430–438.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote

Poston J

WK Sinclair Keynote No. 1: Current Challenges in Countering Radiological Terrorism, John W. Poston, Sr. (2004)
Formats Available: Health Phys. 89(5), 450–456.
Price: [contact Health Physics]
Category: WKS Keynote

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Last modified: May 26, 2015