Corporate Sponsors

The Corporate Sponsor’s Program facilitates the interchange of information and ideas, and corporate sponsors provide valuable fiscal support for the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement’s (NCRP) program.

NCRP programs are supported principally by contracts with federal agencies for specific projects, and by donations from scientific societies and commercial companies with interest in radiation issues. The NCRP has built a broad base of contributors to assure that no one group will unduly influence its activities.

What are the advantages of becoming a Corporate Sponsor of the NCRP? First, of course, is the satisfaction your organization will gain from knowing that you are contributing effectively to the development of radiation protection practices in the United States. Second will be the recognition your organization will receive by participating in this Program. Corporate Sponsors are listed in the NCRP Annual Report, in every NCRP scientific document published, and also on the NCRP website. Third, each Corporate Sponsor will receive an NCRP display plaque that will identify their organization as an NCRP Corporate Sponsor. Fourth, organizations donating funds to the NCRP will be shown on the program for the NCRP annual meeting. Once a year, Corporate Sponsors are invited to a meeting with the NCRP president for a briefing on current activities and have the opportunity to make suggestions about future activities.

Please accept this invitation to join the Corporate Sponsor Program of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements by making a fixed annual donation of $5,000.

Current sponsors include:

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Last modified: June 1, 2015