Edgar D. Bailey

Edgar D. Bailey


is a private independent consultant specializing in radiation and nuclear safety and security. He has more than 40 y of radiation safety experience, including 17 y as the Branch Chief of the California Radiologic Health Branch. In this position Mr. Bailey was responsible for the management of the State of California’s radiation protection program, including the Agreement State Program for the licensing, inspection, and enforcement of the California laws and regulations for the possession, use, and disposal of radioactive materials. He also had California regulatory responsibility for the registration, inspection, and enforcement programs for x-ray machines and accelerators and the testing and state certification programs for doctors and technologists supervising and using these machines and for nuclear medicine technologists.

Prior to his work with the California Radiologic Health Branch, Mr. Bailey worked for 19 y for the Texas Bureau of Radiation Control, where he held positions as the Director of the Division of Licensing, Registration, and Standards, as the Director of Inspections and Enforcement, and as a Radioactive Materials License Reviewer.

Mr. Bailey earned an MS in Environmental Health Engineering and a BES (Nuclear Power Option) both from the University of Texas.