Richard A. Tell

Richard A. Tell

has served as a consultant on radiofrequency (RF) safety matters at Richard Tell Associates, Inc. for the past 29 y. Prior to establishing his own consulting practice, he served for 20 y at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in its Office of Radiation Programs as chief of the Electromagnetics Branch where he was responsible for the evaluation of RF instrumentation and carrying out environmental studies related to exposure of the general population to ambient RF fields. In his own practice, Mr. Tell is involved with exposure assessments associated with a wide range of RF sources, measurement and theoretical analysis of RF fields, development of RF safety programs, and carries out research related to RF hazards and RF dosimetry. He has authored approximately 90 reports and papers in the public domain.

Mr. Tell formerly served as Chair of NCRP Scientific Committee 89-2 that produced NCRP Report No. 119, A Practical Guide to the Determination of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields. He is an elected Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and has participated in the IEEE standards development process for RF safety standards since 1970. He is Chair of the IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety Subcommittee 2 on Terminology, Units of Measurements, and Hazard Communications that developed the first “IEEE Recommended Practice for Radio Frequency Safety Programs, 3 kHz to 300 GHz” as IEEE Standard C95.7. Mr. Tell also serves as the Chair of the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation.