Wiltshire S

now retired, previously held the position of Vice President of the consulting firm JK Research Associates, Inc. Ms. Wiltshire has been involved in the development of public policy and technical reviews for more than 22 y. She has consulted in risk communication; supported multi-faceted decision-making; planned and implemented citizen involvement, and assisted in peer review processes, especially in the development of nuclear waste management policy. Her expertise in these areas results from her extensive experience as an involved citizen, consultant, local official, and member of numerous state and national advisory groups. She has served on study committees and advisory groups for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; the National Academy of Sciences, including the Board on Radioactive Waste; the U.S. Department of Energy; and NCRP. In addition, she has served on the NCRP Board of Directors and was elected a Distinguished Emeritus member in 2009.

Ms. Wiltshire is author of the Conservation Foundation Report Managing the Nation’s High-Level Radioactive Waste and the 1993 revision of the League of Women Voters publication A Nuclear Waste Primer as well as of numerous papers and presentations concerning radioactive waste management and cleanup of the weapons complex.