Genevieve S. Roessler

Genevieve S. Roessler

was elected as a NCRP Council member in 1990 and became a Distinguished Emeritus Member in 2003. Dr. Roessler served on the Nominating Committee from 1993 to 1997 and was the “official” Annual Meeting photographer for several years. She presented the Third Thomas S. Tenforde Topical Lecture at the 2019 NCRP Annual Meeting entitled “HPS Ask the Experts: Our Most Intriguing Questions and Answers.”

She earned a BA in mathematics from Jacksonville University, and an MS in radiation biophysics and a PhD in radiological engineering from the University of Florida. Dr. Roessler was a noted faculty member in the Department of Nuclear Engineering Sciences, University of Florida for 22 y where she was Head of Health Physics and Medical Physics.

Dr. Roessler is a Past President of the Health Physics Society (HPS), a former editor of Health Physics (1982 to 1988), Health Physics News (1992 to 2010), and the HPS website (1999 to 2011). She has received the HPS Founders Award and Distinguished Public Service Award. She is also a Life Member and Fellow of the HPS. Dr. Roessler recently stepped down as the Editor-in-Chief, Health Physics Society (HPS) Ask the Experts feature.

Dr. Roessler currently serves on the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health, National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health, and has served on many advisory committees including the Health and Environmental Research Advisory Committee, U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) (1984 to 1988); Health and Safety Research Division Advisory Committee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1988 to 1995); Senior Technical Review Group for the Disposition of Weapons Grade Plutonium, DOE (1995 to 1998); Radiation Advisory Committee, Science Advisory Board, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1997 to 2004); Technical Steering Panel, Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project (1988 to 1996); and Bi-national Advisory Group, Chernobyl Health Effects Study, National Cancer Institute (2001 to 2016).